Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School

Well today was the first day back to school. As I watched my older to children get on the bus, I looked down and realized, I only have 2 little ones left with me. :(

I've been asked so many times about what I would like to do if I had no more children at home. I mean I've had plenty of jobs, nothing as career worthy as child rearing! Just ones that pay enough to cover bills and costs of the next arrival in our family.

I know I have at least a few more years before the youngest is ready, but what REALLY would I LOVE to do if I had the chance?!? Hmmm.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Headed to Hershey Park...

Well armed with another set of Free Hershey Park tickets, we headed out with my Mother-in-law, and our niece Kathryn. With it being overcast weather conditions for the day, it worked out nicely. The kids had a ball on all the rides, and Ms. Audrey enjoyed the zoo in particular. This year was the first we had been since the opening of the Water Park. (which only adds to the park traffic) Did not get to do many water attractions as the wait time for those was well over an hour and a half. But the kids enjoyed them none the less. I"ll email pictures soon!
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