Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Farewell 2008

Since we have missed the Holiday card boat this year, posting it will be.

What a year this has been for me and my family. This year has brought about huge changes for us, and 2009 seems to only superceed the past. So I'm excited.

This year we have celebrated a few Firsts together as a family ; The boys ending the first year in new schools; first year for new grading system, and in the first marking period Christopher makes honor roll; we purchased our first beach home in MD; our first and only baby girl, Audrey, turned 1; Landon Joseph arrives, making me the last to be called AUNT; we made it one year in our new home, and love it even more; and Jamie and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.

And that's just to name a few.

So I'm thankful! A bit more each day, each year, for all that I've been given, and all that's yet to come. For the trials I faced along the way, and the lessons I've learned.

I'm blessed for my four AWESOME kids. Its was 10 years ago that I learned my life would change in ways I couldn't even imagine, but yet would soon understand. You changed our world the day I knew you existed, and for that....

I'm in debt to the Lord for allowing Christopher "the bearer of Christ" to be the first to take me on the AMAZINGLY awesome journey into motherhood; for Thomas "the apostle" for showing me that I can accomplish anything with My Saviour by my side; for Joshua "Jehovah's saves" who reassures me that He has a path laid out, and that with our commitment to walk, he never leaves us or forsakes us; and for Audrey "Noble-strength" who's taught me that I'm tougher than I ever realized.

I get the goosebumps every time I think about where it was in time, and the events that occurred each time they entered the world. There is no doubt He had a had upon me each and every time, and I'm forever grateful that he chose me to raise these babies. I LOVE YOU :)

And then for my wonderful husband ( who I don't have enough space to write about!!) who believed in God's plan for our lives, no matter how crazy it seemed. I am beyond thankful that our paths crossed that day, I am thankful you waited around, through a million NO's, to hear YES, and I am thankful that you had the patience to tear down my walls. To say its been amazing, thus far, would be an understatement. I LOVE YOU (And in case you didn't know what your name means....James "supplanter".... you complete us!)

We have the most amazing family who have been shining examples of love and support. And without them, this year wouldn't be. I LOVE YOU..... WE LOVE YOU

And our friends... who love us just as much and support us all the same. You have all always been more like family, and that shows. Here's to another awesome year! WELCOME to the family Lacey!

So this is what meant the most to me this year....... the people in my life!!!
I hope that this year brings us all closer than the last. May you all have a blessed holiday season and a happy and healthy new year!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes....

During dinner conversation:

Me: Guy's tomorrow we are out of here early...

Thomas: Why?

Me: Because tomorrow is Ava's birthday party...

Thomas: Where?

Me: Aunt Suzanne's

Thomas: "Mom..... I couldn't renember where they lived, but I saw the picture in my brain. And then when I do renember, I see the picture again. And then if I think of it, there is the picture..... IN MY BRAIN!!! Isn't that crazy mom?......Kinda like, God is here, but, God is invisible, but God's in heaven. I don't get all this crazy things I know. Just crazy mom...."

Me: Crazy....

Then after dinner...

Joshua located all the pencils he could find for drumsticks...

Me: Joshua why are all the pencils out?

Joshua: For drumming sticks....

Me: Put them all away now we don't need them on the floor

Joshua: But I need them for drumming sticks to drum songs

Me: Then maybe you should ask Santa for "DRUMSTICKS" for Christmas

Joshua: He doesn't have any

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lord hear his cry....

I love, love, love, my children!!!! I love that my children share so many wonderful qualities, and yet are vastly different!!!

BUT MY DEAR LORD, Is it to much to ask, for one morning dash to the bus, to be without tears?!?!? Every morning, with my dear Thomas, its as though the world has failed him again the moment his feet hit the floor. If its not something wrong with his clothes, its his meal, or the time, or someone looking at him, or the alignment of planets. Please help to understand this little man, and what pains him so.

My poor little abstract boy....... If I only understood.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Too much time has gone by.....

Wow... been over a month since my last blog. I'm going to have to start blocking of time in my schedule to blog anymore. Let's see what's new with us!!!

Nearing September's end, Christopher celebrated his ninth birthday!!! These days are ever so special to me because I am reminded of just how far we've come.
Here's to the best first nine years for both of us!!! I have loved you since the moment I saw you, and yet had no idea "who" you were. Here's to another nine years, of growing, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes, learning just who you are and seeing God's plans for your life unfold!!!

In the beginning of October, Jamie and I celebrated our anniversary!! Not to much celebrating was going on, as he was covered in poison ivy. So we spent that day doing our typical weekly routines. However he surprised me a few weeks later with the best gift of all. BREAKFAST IN BED... and on a week day. I got the morning off from our routine and got to enjoy it with a warm breakfast all to myself, A HOT cup of coffee, and the morning news.
To some it may seem small, but for me that was HUGE!!! He gets just how hard my job is, and although he might not want to trade roles, he gets it!!! Even more meaningful... he was a mind reader!!!! Thank GOD for answered and unanswered prayers!!!! May we continue to see the fruits of all our hard work, and God's hand in our lives. And may we continue to be a "team" in this road called life!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Aside from that, I've been cleaning two days a week with my mother in law. Which is a blessing in disguise in all aspects!!! So I am grateful for the opportunity to do that.

Boys are doing excellent in school!!! Not that we expected any less!!! And are loving being in the same school.

Joshua is just about fed up with waiting for Kindergarten to start, And I just don't cut it in his world. He must be surrounded by people, and by that he means more than Audrey and I. :(

Audrey had her first flight down the steps last week. Which proved me right in that she truly has all males in this house wrapped!!! God help me!!!

Thomas was home sick with me for a week. Which always makes getting him back into routine, tough to say the least. He refused to go to school because he was still "sick" He says " I'm sick so I have to go to the hospital or heaven. But since I make the decisions, he went to school with a cough!!! LOL

Just another day in the life......

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sisters Inconvience.....

Nothing is worse then being "stuck" in the borough of West Chester!!!

Greener House = More Green

So I been spending a lot of time, trying to find new ways to save a buck, and with 4 children, food always seems like an easy starting place. HARDLY!!!!
About 90% of the time I home-make meals, mostly from scratch, and I would say about half of our grocery bill each time goes to the fresh ingredients.
That get me thinking, maybe if I had a vegetable garden, that eliminates some money spend on these bottomless bellies. ( CRAZINESS I know, but this is what goes on in my brain) Which lead me to this whole GREEN concept, to which I really spend some time reading up on "organic living" and "going green", and I must admit, I get excited.
So like any crazed women feeling like our house is filled with "junk food", I head to the store to restock our cabinet's, and our lives, with healthy organic food. NOT SO FAST! The price stops me dead in my tracks. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Now look if growing up in a family taught me ANYTHING, its the value of stretching meals!!! And for the price of a days worth of organic food to feed my crew, I could have made about 3-4 days worth of meals otherwise.
While I understand the value in the products, the price stops me dead in my tracks. I don't get why "all natural" products cost more then the ones pumped full of crap. Drives me mad!!!! Why does having a healthier lifestyle equally spending more money? I guess for now the only place I need to "grow green" is in my wallet!!!
Maybe I should start with recycling and composting........

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Facing the Inevitable....

Show of hands for those who actually enjoys the dentist. NOT I!!! Of course, who actually does?!?! Well in the end, my slacking off, has come back to bite me ( as it often does!!). And I feel a root canal brewing in my near future( with swelling and pain was also a giveaway)!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School

Well today was the first day back to school. As I watched my older to children get on the bus, I looked down and realized, I only have 2 little ones left with me. :(

I've been asked so many times about what I would like to do if I had no more children at home. I mean I've had plenty of jobs, nothing as career worthy as child rearing! Just ones that pay enough to cover bills and costs of the next arrival in our family.

I know I have at least a few more years before the youngest is ready, but what REALLY would I LOVE to do if I had the chance?!? Hmmm.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Headed to Hershey Park...

Well armed with another set of Free Hershey Park tickets, we headed out with my Mother-in-law, and our niece Kathryn. With it being overcast weather conditions for the day, it worked out nicely. The kids had a ball on all the rides, and Ms. Audrey enjoyed the zoo in particular. This year was the first we had been since the opening of the Water Park. (which only adds to the park traffic) Did not get to do many water attractions as the wait time for those was well over an hour and a half. But the kids enjoyed them none the less. I"ll email pictures soon!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another Day....

Some things I cannot change: my age, who my relatives are, my eye color, my height, my childhood experiences, my inborn talents, my nature, someone else’s abuse of alcohol or other drugs, whether the sun will shine, my job history, what I will inherit, how my parents feel, yesterday’s lost opportunities, how long I will live, who forgives me, how my parents treated me, how much I am loved, the past.

Some things I can change: the youthfulness of my spirit, who my friends are, my hair color, my weight, my adult experiences, my achievements, my character, my reaction to someone else’s use of alcohol or other drugs, whether my eyes will shine, my job possibilities, what I will bequeath, how I feel, my ability to act on today’s opportunities, how well I will live, whom I forgive, how I treat my own children, how much I love, the future.

I thank God for my growing ability to choose.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Trip to Dover...

Christopher's class took a field trip to meet the Governor and present her with a book they made! Well I happened to purchase a local paper, and stumbled upon this photo!!! Upon sharing my findings with Christopher, he said...... "Thank you for purchasing the paper, I only read it when I'm in it. I'm famous now you know!!!"

But he seems to pay no mind to the fact that his fame was cut in half by the girl standing in front of him!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back again.....

Hope this year finds you all well!!! Sorry I haven't updated the blog in a while. Our house has been attacked by one illness after the other. Between, fevers, mucus, vomit, doctor visits, and antibiotics, I've seen it all. And knock on wood.... Mom made it through without so much as a sniffle. Now onto spring, and baseball... and soon... THE BEACH!!!! Speaking of beach.... I found another one.....

I assume the first sale fell through.... or this person has a case!!! :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

She's on the move!!

With the holidays gone., and school back in session..... we are in need of some excitement around here.... and Thank God for answered prayers!!! Now if we could just master sleep.... we'll be on our way....

After a bit of thought.... and creating a dirty diaper... she's off!!! Watch out boys she coming for you.... and your toys!!! :) (But as you can see, Joshua could care less!)