Friday, November 14, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes....

During dinner conversation:

Me: Guy's tomorrow we are out of here early...

Thomas: Why?

Me: Because tomorrow is Ava's birthday party...

Thomas: Where?

Me: Aunt Suzanne's

Thomas: "Mom..... I couldn't renember where they lived, but I saw the picture in my brain. And then when I do renember, I see the picture again. And then if I think of it, there is the picture..... IN MY BRAIN!!! Isn't that crazy mom?......Kinda like, God is here, but, God is invisible, but God's in heaven. I don't get all this crazy things I know. Just crazy mom...."

Me: Crazy....

Then after dinner...

Joshua located all the pencils he could find for drumsticks...

Me: Joshua why are all the pencils out?

Joshua: For drumming sticks....

Me: Put them all away now we don't need them on the floor

Joshua: But I need them for drumming sticks to drum songs

Me: Then maybe you should ask Santa for "DRUMSTICKS" for Christmas

Joshua: He doesn't have any


Unknown said...

One lives life in his head, the other lives life on his environment.

Suzanne Mosley said...

Reminds me of the time I was practicing with Richard, and I said "well, what do you see when you dance this part in your mind?". He said "Um, I don't SEE anything in my mind. I dance with my feet..."