Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Farewell 2008

Since we have missed the Holiday card boat this year, posting it will be.

What a year this has been for me and my family. This year has brought about huge changes for us, and 2009 seems to only superceed the past. So I'm excited.

This year we have celebrated a few Firsts together as a family ; The boys ending the first year in new schools; first year for new grading system, and in the first marking period Christopher makes honor roll; we purchased our first beach home in MD; our first and only baby girl, Audrey, turned 1; Landon Joseph arrives, making me the last to be called AUNT; we made it one year in our new home, and love it even more; and Jamie and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary.

And that's just to name a few.

So I'm thankful! A bit more each day, each year, for all that I've been given, and all that's yet to come. For the trials I faced along the way, and the lessons I've learned.

I'm blessed for my four AWESOME kids. Its was 10 years ago that I learned my life would change in ways I couldn't even imagine, but yet would soon understand. You changed our world the day I knew you existed, and for that....

I'm in debt to the Lord for allowing Christopher "the bearer of Christ" to be the first to take me on the AMAZINGLY awesome journey into motherhood; for Thomas "the apostle" for showing me that I can accomplish anything with My Saviour by my side; for Joshua "Jehovah's saves" who reassures me that He has a path laid out, and that with our commitment to walk, he never leaves us or forsakes us; and for Audrey "Noble-strength" who's taught me that I'm tougher than I ever realized.

I get the goosebumps every time I think about where it was in time, and the events that occurred each time they entered the world. There is no doubt He had a had upon me each and every time, and I'm forever grateful that he chose me to raise these babies. I LOVE YOU :)

And then for my wonderful husband ( who I don't have enough space to write about!!) who believed in God's plan for our lives, no matter how crazy it seemed. I am beyond thankful that our paths crossed that day, I am thankful you waited around, through a million NO's, to hear YES, and I am thankful that you had the patience to tear down my walls. To say its been amazing, thus far, would be an understatement. I LOVE YOU (And in case you didn't know what your name means....James "supplanter".... you complete us!)

We have the most amazing family who have been shining examples of love and support. And without them, this year wouldn't be. I LOVE YOU..... WE LOVE YOU

And our friends... who love us just as much and support us all the same. You have all always been more like family, and that shows. Here's to another awesome year! WELCOME to the family Lacey!

So this is what meant the most to me this year....... the people in my life!!!
I hope that this year brings us all closer than the last. May you all have a blessed holiday season and a happy and healthy new year!